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Hickson Compact Galaxy Group 44 in Leo

Hickson Compact Galaxy Group 44 in Leo

Canon 350D Hap Griffin Baader Mod
30x180sec at iso 1600
30 Darks/Flats/Bias
Celestron 9.25 reduced 0.63

Hickson 44 is a small group of galaxies named after the Canadian astronomer, Paul Hickson. The group consists of dominant member NGC 3190, two other spirals NGC 3185 and gravitationally torn NGC 3187, and eliptical NGC 3193.

In 1982, Hickson published a catalogue of 100 systems (over 400 galaxies found in compact, physically-related groups of typically 4 to 5 galaxies per group) (see the image of Robert's Quartet in ESO PR Photo 34/05 as another example). Such compact groups allow astronomers to study how galaxies dynamically affect each other, and help them test current ideas on how galaxies form. One idea is that compact groups of galaxies, such as Hickson 44, merge to form a giant elliptical galaxy, such as NGC 1316.

May4, 2008