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Dimensions3000 x 3025
Original file size2.01 MB
Image typeJPEG
M109 in Ursa Major

M109 in Ursa Major

Imager Temp -20C
Celestron 9.25 Reduced 0.63
30% Crop

First trial of guiding the C9.25 with the internal guidechip. As noted, this is only 3 ten minute subs (30 minutes) so it's very noisy but better than my previous effort with the unmodified DSLR, so I put it up until I get a better shot.

Messier 109 (NGC 3992) is a barred spiral approximately 46 million light years away in the constellation Ursa Major and and receding at 1142 km/sec.

M109 is the brightest galaxy in the M109 Group, a large group of galaxies located in the constellation Ursa Major that may contain over 50 galaxies.

In March of 1956, supernova 1956A was observed in M109. SN 1956A was a type Ia supernova in the southeast part of the galaxy, glowing at magnitude 12.8 to 12.3 at its maximum. SN 1956A was the only supernova observed in M109 since its discovery.

April 1, 2009