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M55 in Sagittarius

M55 in Sagittarius

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APM/TMB 130/780
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M55( NGC 6809) is a globular cluster in the constellation Sagittarius. M55 is about 17,300 light-years from Earth. M55 is a quite large globular cluster (about 19', roughly 2/3 of the Moon's apparent diameter) and has such a loose appearence that it gives the observer the impression of 'graininess' in small binoculars.

One can see from the relative paucity of stars in the background as compared to other globulars in this area of the sky that this globular lies outside of the main mass of the Milky Way on the sky charts.

This object is among the most southern of the Messier objects and can be difficult to observe from northern boreal latitudes.

June 26, 2009