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Visitors 8483
49 photos
Most, if not all, of these images are taken during a bright moon.

Hydrogen alpha imaging is collecting specific photons caused by the excitation of hydrogen gas. Since this is the most common element in the universe, and the cause of the glowing of all emission nebulae, it is very prominent and bright in most narrowband images.

IC 1805 - Heart Nebula in Cassiopeia

IC 1805 - Heart Nebula in Cassiopeia

LBN 667 - "Soul Nebula" in Cassiopeia

LBN 667 - "Soul Nebula" in Cassiopeia

Sh2-155- Cave Nebula in Ha

Sh2-155- Cave Nebula in Ha

NGC 7000 "Cygnus Wall" in Hydrogen Alpha

NGC 7000 "Cygnus Wall" in Hydrogen Alpha

NGC 281 in Cassiopeia

NGC 281 in Cassiopeia

NGC 7635 - "Bubble Nebula" in Cassiopeia

NGC 7635 - "Bubble Nebula" in Cassiopeia

NGC 7380 and Sh2-142 in Cepheus

NGC 7380 and Sh2-142 in Cepheus

NGC 6992/6995 - Eastern Veil in Cygnus

NGC 6992/6995 - Eastern Veil in Cygnus

NGC 6888 - Crescent Nebula in Cygnus

NGC 6888 - Crescent Nebula in Cygnus

van den Bergh 142 (IC 1396A and IC 1396B) in Cepheus

van den Bergh 142 (IC 1396A and IC 1396B) in Cepheus

van den Bergh 142 (IC 1396A and IC 1396B) in Cepheus

van den Bergh 142 (IC 1396A and IC 1396B) in Cepheus

van den Bergh 142 Closer View

van den Bergh 142 Closer View

DWB111 - Propeller Nebula in Cygnus

DWB111 - Propeller Nebula in Cygnus

Barnard's Loop in Orion

Barnard's Loop in Orion

IC443 and NGC 2174/2175 in Gemini and Orion

IC443 and NGC 2174/2175 in Gemini and Orion

NGC 1499 - California Nebula in Perseus

NGC 1499 - California Nebula in Perseus

North America and Pelican Nebulae Complex In Cygnus

North America and Pelican Nebulae Complex In Cygnus

M16 "Eagle Nebula" in Serpens Cauda

M16 "Eagle Nebula" in Serpens Cauda

M16 "Eagle Nebula" Closeup

M16 "Eagle Nebula" Closeup

NGC 7293 "Helix Nebula" in Aquarius

NGC 7293 "Helix Nebula" in Aquarius