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Dimensions2576 x 1719
Original file size1.56 MB
Image typeJPEG
M44 - Beehive Cluster in Cancer

M44 - Beehive Cluster in Cancer

Canon 350D Hap Griffin Baader Mod
4x120sec at iso 1600
30 Darks/Flats/Bias
Canon 70-200L f/2.8 Lens at 200mm f/3.2

Astronomik CLS Front "Clip" Filter

The Beehive Cluster (also known as Praesepe (Latin for "manger"), M44 or NGC 2632) is an open cluster in the constellation Cancer. It is one of the nearest open clusters to the Solar System at 520-610 light years, and contains a larger star population than most other nearby clusters. Under dark skies the Beehive Cluster looks like a nebulous object to the naked eye; thus it has been known since ancient times. It's diameter is about 23 light years.

December 28, 2008