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Dimensions4800 x 3800
Original file size2.99 MB
Image typeJPEG
Veil Complex in Cygnus

Veil Complex in Cygnus

Canon 30D Unmodified with Astronomik CLS filter
21x300sec at iso 1600
30 Darks/Flats/Bias
Orion ED80 with WO 0.8 reducer/flattener

Canon 30D Unmodified with Astronomik CLS filter
40x300sec at iso 1600
30 Darks/Flats/Bias
Orion ED80 with WO 0.8 reducer/flattener

Anacortes Telescope and Wild Bird Image of the Day July 18, 2007

NGC 6992, NGC 6979, and NGC 6960 in their proper orientation by stacking the two veil images together. The corners are missing, but it does place all three main parts of the Veil in perspective.

The hard part of putting these together was getting the colors as close as possible in the two images since they were taken on two different nights and processed seperately.

June 11 and 12, 2007