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Dimensions2320 x 1547
Original file size611 KB
Image typeJPEG
M57 in Lyra

M57 in Lyra

Canon 350D Hap Griffin Baader Mod
20x120sec at iso 1600
30 Darks/Flats/Bias
Celestron 9.25 reduced 0.63

65% Crop

M57 (NGC 6720) in Lyra, located 2300 light years from earth is the prototype planetary nebula. Evidence indicates that it is actually a ring and not a shell or sphere viewed on an angle. The nebula has been expanding for only an estimated 1600 years.

The central star is a planet-sized white dwarf star, of about 15th magnitude. It is the remainder of a sunlike star, which has blown away its outer envelopes. Now over 100,000 K hot, it will soon start to cool down, shine as a white dwarf star for several billions of years, and then eventually end as a cold Black Dwarf.

March 20. 2009