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M61 in Virgo with Supernova 2008in

M61 in Virgo with Supernova 2008in

Imager Temp -20C
Celestron 9.25 Reduced 0.63
45% Crop

A slightly closer view of M61 better showing the location of SN2008in. Estimated magnitude ~ 17 at the time of this image.

Sky and Telescope Online Gallery April 22, 2009

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Type IIP Supernova 2008in was discovered on 26th December by Koichi Itagaki in the spiral galaxy M61 in Virgo. Type II supernovae are formed from the core-collapse and explosion of massive stars (i.e. greater than 9 solar masses). Type IIP are designated as such because they reach maximum brightness, dim slightly, and then stay at almost the same brightness "plateau" for many days before fading (hence the name type IIP, i.e. II-Plateau).

Four other supernovae have been observed in M61: 1926A (12.8 mag) was discovered by Wolf and Reinmuth, 1961I (mag 13, Humason), 1964F (mag 12, Rosino), and 1999gn (13.4 mag, Dimai). NED gives the following types and (alternative values for) maxima: SN 1926A, type IIL, 14pv; SN 1961I, type II, 13.0; SN 1964F, type I, 14.0. The Supernova 1961I appeared in the spiral arms, about 82" from the center, and was photographed by the Lick observatory.

April 16, 2009