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Dimensions3326 x 2504
Original file size5.41 MB
Image typeJPEG
NGC 225 in Cassiopeia

NGC 225 in Cassiopeia

APM/TMB 130/780
Field Flattener
Astrodon Gen 2 LRGB
L: 20x10min (1x1)
RGB: 6x5min each (2x2)
Imager Temp -20C
Full Frame

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NGC 225 - The "Sailboat Cluster" - is in the constellation Cassiopeia at a distance of approximately 2100 light years. Above it lies bright nebula LBN 604, also known as VdB 4. Above that is dark nebula LDN 1302.

A small open cluster of blue stars, Stock 24, is situated about 1/3 of the frame above and to the right of NGC 225.

November 8, 2010