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Dimensions2314 x 3474
Original file size6.34 MB
Image typeJPEG
Eastern Cygnus

Eastern Cygnus

Canon 350D Hap Griffin Baader Mod
20x180sec at iso 800
30 Darks/Flats/Bias
Canon 70-200L f/2.8 Lens at 70mm f/3.2

Astronomik CLS Front "Clip" Filter

Eastern Cygnus showing some of the more interesting and spectacular nebulae in the region. In the upper left are NGC 7000 and IC 5067-5070 - the North America Nebula and Pelican Nebula, IC 5068 (the large nebula just under the Pelican), Sh2-112 (the bright red knot to the right of the Deneb), IC1318 and LBN889 (comprising the Butterfly Nebula at Gamma Cygnus), IC1318b (the triangular nebula above and right of Gamma), the Propeller Nebula above that, NGC 6888 (Crescent Nebula) below and right of Gamma, and of course the Veil Complex (NGC 6992, NGC 6979, and NGC 6960) in the lower left corner.

June 8, 2008