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Dimensions3326 x 2504
Original file size12 MB
Image typeJPEG
LBN 667 - "Soul Nebula" in Cassiopeia - SHO Palette

LBN 667 - "Soul Nebula" in Cassiopeia - SHO Palette

Orion ED80 Refractor Reduced 0.8
Astrodon 5nm SII, Ha and OIII
Ha 8x15min ;OIII, SII 10x15min - All binned 1x1
Imager Temp -20C
Cropped Slightly for Framing

Link to Larger JPEG
Link to Ha Component

National Geographic Weekly Wallpaper October Week 4

Here's a Copy of the Wallpaper Downloaded from NatGeo

National Geographic "Your Shot" Daily Dozen - October Week 4

Sky and Telescope Online Gallery October 25, 2010

LBN 667 is the designation of the nebula, also known as Sharpless 2-199. Open clusters CR 34, 632, and 634 (in the head) and IC 1848 (in the body) are embedded in the nebula. The object is more commonly called by the cluster designation IC 1848.

Small emission nebulae 670 and 669 are just below the lower back area.

This complex is the eastern neighbor of IC 1805 (Heart Nebula) and the two are often mentioned together as the "Heart and Soul".

October 15, 2010