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Color Mapped images are those taken through narrowband filters with specific colors assigned to each filtered image, thus producing a colorful image. The arrangement of these colors is known as a Palette. Sometimes, because the presence of SII is very low, only two wavelengths are used, typically Ha and OIII in what is known as a Bicolor Image. The colors are also scientifically significant, allowing visualization of the location of specific elements in the object.

The most well known is the Hubble Palette, that used by the Hubble Space Telescope when it takes narrowband images. Also known as SHO, the SII is assigned to red, the Ha assigned to green, and the OIII assigned to blue.

Heart Nebula - IC1805 - SHO Palette

Heart Nebula - IC1805 - SHO Palette

LBN 667 - "Soul Nebula" in Cassiopeia - SHO Palette

LBN 667 - "Soul Nebula" in Cassiopeia - SHO Palette

Sh2-101 - "Tulip Nebula" in Cygnus SHO

Sh2-101 - "Tulip Nebula" in Cygnus SHO

van den Bergh 142 (IC1396A and IC1396B) Hubble Palette

van den Bergh 142 (IC1396A and IC1396B) Hubble Palette

LDN 935 and the "Cygnus Wall" in Modified Hubble Palette

LDN 935 and the "Cygnus Wall" in Modified Hubble Palette

NGC 7636 - Bubble Nebula - Modified Hubble Palette

NGC 7636 - Bubble Nebula - Modified Hubble Palette

NGC 6888 - Crescent Nebula - Bicolor Ha/OIII

NGC 6888 - Crescent Nebula - Bicolor Ha/OIII

NGC 7380/Sh2-142 Modified Hubble Palette

NGC 7380/Sh2-142 Modified Hubble Palette

NGC6992/6995 - Bicolor Ha/OIII

NGC6992/6995 - Bicolor Ha/OIII

NGC 281 in Cassiopeia - Hubble Palette (Modified)

NGC 281 in Cassiopeia - Hubble Palette (Modified)